Spring Cleaning

It is Springtime! A time for lovely beginnings. A time for "Out with the hold and in with the New."

Spring cleaning is always a way to make things lighter and brighter, to start out the new season with an attitude of getting things in order.

This is one way to feel better as we get rid of things we don't use and we clear areas and tidy things up so that we feel better about where we live and how it looks.

What if we did with the same thing with our habits?

What if we took a look at how we might have some clutter in how we habitually think about things that could be tossed out so that there was more room for joy and peace?

The first thing I think is how we look at the world and how we talk about it. I know there as many good things happening as not but we tend to focus on all of the negative things going on.

How would it be if we made the effort to look for the most uplifting stories and situations and talk about them?

I personally do not watch the news or read a newspaper. I only pay attention to the uplifting stories on the internet.

I find that more and more of those are popping up and that does my heart good, the fact that people want to share the good things that are happening in the world.

There are great people out there doing wonderful things. If we concentrate on that what kind of shift of energy would we have in our lives and in the greater scheme of things?

What if we found the good in people around us? What if we did not look for something wrong but something right about everyone we meet. Of course this would take effort I know but what a great habit to get into. We are all beautiful spirits, we all want the same things in life. So if you would, take a closer look at those that you meet up with and see the positive parts of them.

What if we stopped criticizing anything and anyone, what if we understand that everyone has things going on in their lives that we are not privy to, and we have the compassion and care to start seeing them as fellow human beings that may need extra effort on our part to see the good in them.

There is so much to appreciate this time of the year. All of the beauty of nature in bloom, the change from winter to a time of warmth and beauty. Look around you and start your new season with really seeing what there is to appreciate whether it be your children, grandchildren, pet, garden, or anything that makes you feel good when you think of it or look at it. Great habit to get into!

So the Spring Cleaning of our thoughts is in progress now. It is time that we let go of all that brings us down and search out the things that uplift. We all seek happiness I know so let's all make the effort to seek out the good things that are happening, look for the good in our fellow man, in everything that surrounds us, and I bet we will feel better than we ever have.

Many blessings to all!

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