Thursday, February 9, 2023

 Thoughts: How do they work for you?

There are two ways to think about anything and that would be negatively or positively. 

Isn't if funny how we have the choice and most of the time we find ourselves unhappy as we look at the dark side if you will of what is going on in our lives and the world. 

Take the time to notice that when you are thinking of things in a way that doesn't feel good one thought after another becomes darker and darker. In other words everything becomes worse and worse and the only reason that really happens is because we see the negative to begin with and it spirals out of control. This is so detrimental to our wonderful mind and body.

We allow unhappy thoughts to take over when in fact if we saw the brighter side of things one thought after another would be show us how things are really pretty good.

How could a person make this a habit do you think?

How would life feel if in fact we decided to start our thoughts each day in the direction of happiness?

Here is an exercise that might help in the direction of thinking and feeling positive:

  • The first thing each morning be thankful you woke up.
  • Focus on everything that feels good in your body. 
  • Take some deep breaths and clear your mind.
  • Sit down for a few minutes and write about everything that is positive about yourself and your life.
Make your thoughts the best thoughts and you will find that when you do you feel it deep down in that beautiful spirit of yours. Know that by finding the best thoughts you are contributing to your well-being that is so beneficial to you life becomes joyful and peaceful.

Your thoughts are your power, use them for your greater good.

Many Blessing to All

Sunday, January 1, 2023

 Change........ How Does it Work?

A New Year and the first thing we all want to do is change things for the better. That is a wonderful idea but how do we want things to change? 

The funny thing about we humans is we want everyone and everything around us to be better and to change to suit us but is that really the answer?

  • We have people in our lives that we have tried to change for so long and it isn't happening.
  • We have circumstances that we are unhappy with and want to be different.
  • We live in a world of great chaos at times that is upsetting.

How do we change things for the better?

We start with ourselves first. 

  • How are we seeing all of these situations and people? 
  • How are we reacting to them?
  • What would the solution be to the situations we are in and the people we are involved with?
  • How do we see and talk about the world?
If we are always expecting people to think the way we want the same be in line with our joy and beliefs then of course we will be unhappy because here is the kicker they have and are entitled to have their own thoughts and beliefs on their own journey. If we are trying to control how they think and feel shame on us.

It is a matter of how much we want to be with or around these much joy we want to much we are willing to change a hard stance and to see them not as an adversary but as someone with different ideas and thoughts. If we can except them the way they are and meld with their ideas and thoughts without changing who we are it makes life so much more beautiful. This is change from within.

The solution to that is if you cannot it is time to recognize it and go a different direction. It is for our greater good that we don't keep thinking the same thing over and over with our thoughts about someone and expect that they do what we want them to do instead of be who they are. This is change from within.

The same thing really applies to any situation in life. Are you miserable and keep thinking miserable thoughts or are you willing to look at your situation and see it in a better light? If you can't then how can you leave this situation...... what are your options when you try to reason it out? They are truly there if you let go of the negative of I can't or it won't work to seeing life doing something else. This is change from within.

As far as the world goes I would say this......there are many more good people than bad.......there is so much more joy than sorrow.......we must concentrate on making it even better with being kind to one another and caring about our fellow man. Look for the good in people always. Be happy with the fact that we have a beautiful world to live in. This is change from within.

Change is a good thing it keeps us focusing on a better way.......a better life......better relationships and circumstances. But change must come from within. The way we look at others ........our situations.....the world. Be a brighter human being by either trying not to control leaving any circumstance that isn't working out for seeing the world in a better light. Change is seeing things differently is the willingness to either accept or move on in so many areas of our lives. This is change from within.

These can help you change this New Year into one of the best you have every known.

Many Blessing to All

Monday, August 22, 2022

The Direction of Thoughts and Where They Take Us

 In today's world there are many paths our thoughts can take as the shape of everything seems to change constantly. The most important thing for each of us is that we use our thoughts for ourselves and our lives rather than waste them on anything that can make the direction of our thoughts unhealthy and unhappy for us.

Make your thoughts the brightest they can be about your life and your personal space. Make sure that you are concentrating on the good things about who you are and everything in your life that is positive and let go of anything that would stop you from seeing and feeling the best about what is going on with you.

The direction our thoughts take is so important so if we are using outside sources to tell us how to think and feel we are giving into someone else's thoughts and feelings which take away from using our own.

  • Look for the best thoughts not the worst. 
  • Look for the happiest thoughts not the saddest.
  • Look for the most positive thoughts not the negative.

The direction your thoughts take you are up to you and when you are aware of the way they make you feel you will know if you need to enhance them or change them because feeling good......feeling happy.......feeling the pure gift that life really is.......makes those thoughts so very important to your everyday living.

Many Blessings to All


Friday, May 1, 2015


This is a part of the thought process we can pay attention to and when we do we may just with a little effort begin to see where it makes a difference in the way we feel.

Here are a few things you might review to see if they resonate with you:

  • What is my focus when I wake up?
  • What is my focus when I am getting to where I am going?
  • What is my focus when I am working, relaxing, or just doing?
  • What is my focus before I go to sleep at night?

When you start your day where do you find your focus? Do you find it stressing over the day to come, thinking about being overwhelmed, worrying about what is to get done and will you?

  • What if you focused on just breathing easily and feeling calm?
  • What if you did not turn on any news read any news or look for anything that might be chaotic?
  • What if your focus when you started your day was on what a unique and amazing person you are with so many abilities it would be very hard not to have a great day?
  • What if you just focused on having on the day being exactly what you want it to be?

When you are getting from point A to point B during your day where do you find your focus? Are you always in a hurry and impatient with everyone around you? Do you find your focus is not a happy one?

  • What if you just put on your favorite music and really just let it flow and relax you?
  • What if you made the effort to focus on something in your life that helps you feel good. Whatever it is would be your own for this is after all just about you, so that you find your thoughts in a much better place.

When you are going about your day what is your focus? Is it the best you can have or maybe not so much?

  • What if you made it a point to focus on things around you that lifted you spirits? Whatever does that for you is exactly right. I love nature so that is where I focus many times a day.
  • What if you focus on the things that have gone right so far during your day and are very appreciative of all of them?

When you are dealing with others during your day how do you use your focus? Is it in positive or negative way?

  • What if you used more kindness when working with others, more understanding and patience?  This could be with co-workers or a clerk in a store it doesn't make a difference because it helps when you use your focus with others in the positive all day.
  • What if your focus was to see others in their best possible light?

When you are ready to retire for the night where is your focus?  Is it on all the negative things that happened during your day or all the positive things?

  • What if you just relaxed and let your mind go over everything that went right for you all day.
  • What if you thought about the people who made your day a good one?
  • What if you just let go of everything but a smile and good feeling about who you are and your ability to focus on whatever you choose to?

As you can see you are in charge here, it is your focus and what you do with it, how you use it is completely up to you.

I would say this to you however; why not feel the best that you can by using your focus for your greater good.

Many Blessing to All

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Criticism     Make it a thing of the past

Criticism: the act of expressing disapproval and of noting problems or faults of a person or thing; the act of criticizing someone or something.

Why is it do you suppose that we beautiful spirits choose to find fault with so many things in our lives including ourselves?

Has it become such a habit that it is ingrained in us to be negative right away when we look at people, places and things?

What if we choose to change that about ourselves so we then begin to see life in a better light?

How about that thing called self criticism. This should be the first and foremost critical habit to break for everyone.

There is only one you, that makes you very special and unique. How can you possibly criticize something that is so exceptional?

If there was an individual which was one of a kind left in the world we would treasure it and do all we could to make sure it was taken care of. It would be sheltered, kept safe and nurtured no matter what it was. Anthropologists do this all the time when they find something from the past to treasure.

Big news flash here people think about it no one else has your exact DNA your fingerprints or your personality. Wow amazing isn't it. That in itself should bring some serious self care forward.

So if we are to get rid of self criticism we must look for the best in ourselves. You have so many great qualities start with those, point them out to yourself and feel good about who you are.

Love how you look, how you laugh, how you are on a daily basis. We each have the distinct right to be who we are and we don’t have to please anyone else but ourselves. Be proud of who you are, you have earned wherever you are in life.

You can look back at your life if you like at what you might term as bad judgment, or choices, or issues, but why would you. If you live in the now right this minute there is no need to go backwards there is only the need to see what a great person you are, what you have contributed to your life by being the special person inside and by noting all the good things that are all around you.

If there were mistakes along the way congratulate yourself for the fact you are truly living your life not just existing in it. Mistakes are just blips to show us another path to take if we choose to.

Let go of seeing yourself in a way that is broken, instead see yourself as whole, just right, and thriving. You should celebrate the journey you are on, the adventure it has been so far and the wonderful life experiences you have had. Only you have felt all the great feelings and have stored all your great memories, no one else has those but you.

You are a masterpiece so keep that canvas called you bright and beautiful and vibrant.

When we start seeing ourselves in a different light things around us change too. If we are not seeing fault within ourselves then life and your surroundings should brighten significantly.

It should become much easier to not find fault with others, with the work place, with the world.

Being critical of others hurts us in several ways. If we are finding fault with someone else then we are not feeling as good as we should because we are either being judgmental about them, angry with them, or hurtful towards them.

Any of those emotions just erode the feeling of happiness and joy, something that each of us wants for ourselves every day.

It is self defeating to become critical of most things in life as we don’t really have all the information on the people, places and things we so readily find fault with. Wouldn't it be so much easier and wouldn't you feel so much better if you just let go of a critical eye and embrace looking for the beauty around you?

Here are some suggestions about being critical:
  • What if we just stopped criticizing others, situations, places, life in general?
  • What if we understood that others have lives that we are not privy to and just let them be who they are while we are who we are?
  • What if by not criticizing we became kinder, more compassionate towards others.
  • What if we chose to blend with those around us seeing only their good traits?
  • What if we stopped criticizing anything and found good things to say about all areas of life?
  • What if we chose not to bring the chaos that criticism into our daily lives and decided to be more peaceful with our thoughts?
I know you can feel the power in that, in the change it would not only bring to your life but to the whole world.

If we start being more positive about every aspect of our lives, especially ourselves, then positive things will happen.


Many blessing to all.


Saturday, February 28, 2015

Using Our Words

vocabulary: all of the words known and used by a person

habit: a usual way of behaving: something a person does in a usual and repeated way

Words are thoughts spoken out loud. Have you ever wondered about how we use them and how they affect how we feel?

What if we took stock of how we were talking about certain areas of our lives, what emotion we are putting into it and how we feel when we are in the midst of the discussion.

This can refer to any area of  life whether it be your health, a relationship, family, co-workers, your job, any part of your life that becomes a conversation.

Do you find it a habit to start out complaining about the subject? Are you finding everything that is irritating or frustrating to talk about? Are you finding fault with the circumstance?

It may be hard to admit but we have made a habit of complaining first when we start a conversation instead of pointing out what is right going on around us. Then what happens is we get more angry, more frustrated and more upset with our circumstances because we have aggravated ourselves just by repeating all the negativity we are paying attention to.

What if we paid attention to the way we talk about our lives and made it a point to be the most positive we can about all areas of life.

I know some of you are rolling your eyes but believe me when you do give this some attention you will realize that when you are negative and speaking in this way you do not feel good in fact you may even find some physical discomfort because your body is telling you that it is being affected by all the negativity.

If you make the effort to talk in a more positive way about your life and what is going on in it you will find that you feel better are more energetic and lighthearted.

It doesn't take much to start looking for the positive. If you need to start small do so because once you do and the fact that there are more than you thought there were things just grow and grow because this is where your attention is.

What if:

  • You found one good thing to think about a co-worker that may be challenging for you.
  • You focused on every part of your body that felt good.
  • You loved yourself for the great person you are.
  • You put great music on in the car and just let it relax you are you are driving.
  • You started your day expecting it to be a great one.

Let's make it a habit to start each day thinking the most positive thoughts we can about our lives and what is in them and use those thoughts to express to others how life is going for us. If we smile and use a vocabulary full of positive words how great could we possibly start feeling?

Once this habit forms good things continually come forward.

Many blessing to all

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here we are celebrating Love for one day of the year. It is a very important emotion for all of us and yet we designate only one day to recognize it.

What if we chose to make it a way to start every day?
What if we were these smiling happy people all of the time?
What if we chose to be more aware of the things and people we love around us for a great feeling life?

Just a is wonderful in many different aspects of our lives .......why not make it a very strong part of who we are.

Many Blessing to All

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year everyone!

It is standard for everyone to go back and look at the past year to see what they need to change about themselves. Isn't that just the silliest thing? Who says this is a rule?

The art of loving yourself should be your first resolution. It should be your priority.

Why would we want to look back at the past year and see anything wrong? We should celebrate that we lived 365 days and ready to start another 365.

Isn’t it time that we take a look at ourselves in the best light possible and we stop being critical of who we are and appreciate the great person that we have always been?

Isn’t it time for you to take stock of all the things that you did right last year, the things that went right for you and all that felt good.

Look for the happy times you shared and the love that you gave and received each month of 2014.

Look for all that you did to make your life better and the ways that you are still doing it.

Embrace all of the good qualities you have for they are far better and there are more of them than anything you might feel are negative.

Start out 2015 with the knowledge that you are a valuable part of the human race, you lend so much to all of us here and you are so worthy of all that you have and do.

Don’t change anything about yourself you don't want to. If in fact you want to improve parts of yourself whatever that may be, do it with a smile and know that you are just enhancing all that you are.

First and foremost be happy with yourself! Make your own rule about life and how you want it to live it. It makes it all so much simpler.

Many Blessing to all and may this be a year that brings you the best of everything.


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