Sunday, April 28, 2013

It is good to be back blogging! Life got in the way for a bit, but now I am back even more passionate about using everyday to think and feel the most positive uplifting way that we can.

To know the great power that we each possess and to use it to bring to ourselves the most fulfilling outcomes we want in your lives.

I ask you to take a moment and think about how you start your day. From the first time you open your eyes in the morning and proceed to begin what lies ahead of you for the next 24 hours.

It is important to map out a thought process that brings us the best possible feelings we can have for the day ahead.

If you think about it our life is our road map. We do have hills and valleys, we do have high points and low points. We can actually take a look back at where we have been and see just where we have travelled and where the high and low points have been.

So the idea here is to start the day mapping out how you want your day to go. When you wake up, just be thankful that you did! Then take some deep cleansing breaths that help you to relax into the day ahead.

Focus on what is good about the morning, look for those things around you and notice any joyful thing that is happening. It might be as small as a bird singing or as large as laughter somewhere around you. Look for the beauty outside your window, look for and appreciate all that surrounds you that makes you feel good just admiring it. Be thankful for all that you have.

Bring up something that makes you smile, that brings such heartfelt joy that you smile.

If you have on the news switch it over to some type of music that you like, that lifts your spirit.

Focus on how good you feel, even if it is only your little finger that does.  Zero in on what feels the best in your body and allow that good feeling to spread all through you.

Imagine your day going smoothly in all areas of your life. Make these visuals as fulfilling as possible, seeing and feeling just how you would like situations in your life to be.

Let go of all that is negative about issues you are facing, do not let them interfere with how you are feeling. Picture them being resolved if they need resolution.

You are a powerful being and you control this wonderful thought process you have been gifted with. Let those thoughts start your entire day with a feeling of goodness, joy and the knowing that you are surrounded by so many things that are positive, joyful and can make you feel really good if you allow it into your being and if you make the constant effort to see and feel all of these things in the morning when you start your day.

Guess what! You will start to see them everywhere you are throughout the day and that can only be a good thing!

Many blessing to you all!


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