Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

When this day comes around, I always tell my children, of whom I have three, that every day is Mother's Day for me. The reason for that is that they give me such joy every day whether we are contacting each other or I just bring up a memory or two that brings me joy.

Joy of course is the key word here and I choose to think only in that term.

We all have the choice to think of joyful things that have happened to us in our lives regarding our children, and when we do we find that once we start that ball rolling one after another joyful thoughts come to us.

I am sure if you have children, you can think of something that they did whether it was when they were small or grown-up that makes you smile or just laugh out loud.

This can apply even if you do not have children. There are people in your life that have made a joyful impression which you can recall and it makes you feel good and smile. You can bring a happy memory from your own childhood and your mom also. There is joy in those memories too.

Each child is different, therefore they each will accomplish different things and have different goals. That is the beautiful part of the process that we as mom's get, the benefit of all the accomplishments of our children, as they look for different paths.

The wonderful thing about that is how uplifted we feel when we do this. We warm up and we bring such a wonderful feeling inside of our being. Once you get started with one thought of what they did to make you smile or make you proud then another thought come and another and you are smiling there aren't you?

Joy is what we all want in our lives. We want to feel good and to think of happy times, to hold close to us what we have experienced that is right, that is blissful, and to keep that thought process continually so that we have a lighter spirit and a brighter outlook.

I know that for some there may have been bumpy roads with your children, but I am sure that if you concentrate you can find that there were more good times to be remembered.

When we discuss our children, let's do so with the most positive stories and affirmations that they are valuable to us, that they are important and how much they mean to our lives. If we make a practice of thinking of them in the most positive of terms, life gets better because we are now thinking in the most upbeat way.

Let us all try as hard as we can to let go of any negative issues that we may have repeated about things our children have done, and concentrate on their goodness, their love, and the accomplishments they have achieved no matter how big or small.

I was going to give examples of my own children who range in their thirties and forties, who have made me laugh just this week, but decided I would just let them slide since it is Mother's Day and all.

Let's be the examples of unconditional love, by doing that we can hand down to our children a sense of love that is so important to all of us.

From the toddler to the middle age adult they are doing positive things all of the time. Look for those, talk about them, and you will know a feeling of great satisfaction. You will find that you then see them in this light all of the time.

Here is a visualization to bring joy to the center of your being, to feel good all over and to bring to you a happy thought whenever you need one. It can be applied to any relationship you want to use it for just put anyone of anything you want to in your thoughts while visualizing.


Visualizing  Joy

Take several deep breaths. Breathe in and out slowly feeling yourself relaxing as you do this.

Now that you feel relaxed, bring up a memory that makes you feel good. It can be one of a child, spouse, parent, or any place you have been. It might be on a vacation, doing a hobby, or a special event.

Whatever you choose is just right for you.

Now that you have that thought, that memory firmly there in your mind, and you are feeling joyful and happy, focus on that feeling if you would.

Feel it in the very center of your chest. It is such a good feeling, the more you focus on it the stronger it gets.

Picture it if you would this remarkable feeling as a loving warm light that is inside your body bringing you now a feeling of well-being, of love. 

This light that is in the center of your chest gets brighter and brighter.

This is joy manifesting itself within you, bringing to you the feeling of happiness that you have experienced in your life.

As the feeling of joy becomes stronger and stronger, feel it as it moves throughout your body bringing to you such a wonderful wave of well-being and of pure happiness.

Just take a moment, bask in this feeling, it is your right and your natural response to what you truly want to feel like.  Stay as long as you like here in this joyful place you have created.

You now know how to bring up this wonderful feeling of joy and to spread it throughout your body so that you are feeling joy at its most powerful.

We are joyful creatures, we laugh, we can be silly and we love to feel happy.

Use this visualization whenever you need to bring joy into your life. Use it frequently and you will find that it becomes a very central part of who you really are. A being that is bright, beautiful, and joyful.

Many blessing to all.


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