Monday, August 5, 2013


Love is an amazing feeling. It runs through all of us for many different reasons and to many different degrees.

It makes us feel on top of the world, so very good that we just love to love.

We love other people, children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, pets, and friends. We love music, food, vacations, and hobbies, in fact the list could go on and on.

What if we used this feeling as a gauge to make our lives better? What if we looked at all things through the eyes of love?

You may say it is not possible but I do not agree with that. If you are willing to hold on to the feeling that love brings you then when you look at all things and people around you at all times you will see the world in a whole new light.

Of course, this is a choice, a realization that we might have to change the way we are looking at life and the things that occur on a daily basis, but why not.

Wouldn't you feel better in your heart if you kept a wonderful feeling of love going and used it all day long?

I know that it would take practice as our habitual criticizing and complaining would have to stop, our finding fault with everyone and everything would have to shift to looking with love and compassion in our hearts and minds at every situation.

If you think about it for a moment, how do you feel when you are looking at things that are happening in your world or at the world in general in a negative way? I know I don't feel good if I am angry or unhappy.

I would much rather be in a happy loving state so that I feel the best I can feel physically, mentally and emotionally.

Try looking at the beauty around you, whether it is in nature or the people that you come in contact with. Look for things that are joyful such as laughter, music, great conversation, a child's smile, things that are uplifting.  They don't have to be big things, remember, a bunch of small things add up to something big if they make you feel good.

When you do this you start a routine of finding things that make you feel that love connection, when you feel good about things going on, then you know you are on the right track.

Feel love as much as you can, for yourself, for others, for everything in general.

Let's start a whole new trend of looking through the eyes of love and see how it changes things for us.


Visualization to Bring Up Love

Take several deep breaths, and when you find yourself relaxed as your breathing evens out and becomes very regular, think of a person, place or thing that brings up a feeling of love for you that is so strong that you can actually feel it move through your body.

Whatever or whoever you choose is just right for you. When you are feeling love very strongly just sit and enjoy it for a while, let thoughts of this love just come to you.

This is the feeling you want to use when you are shifting yourself towards feeling this way all of the time.

Just let this feeling flow all over you……… as it does you feel better and better… now know a great feeling of love and this will help you to bring it to yourself every day. Sit for a while and enjoy the feeling that you were born with, that is a part of you, and does help you feel very good.

When you are finished just go ahead and do what you need to do but know you have changed your feelings for the better, for your greater good.

If you would like to start your day doing this and you will find you will have a much brighter and happier way of life.

Many Blessings to All


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Past


 Definition:  No longer current; gone by; over

Never let your past experiences harm your future. Your past can't be altered and your future doesn't deserve the punishment. – Unknown

No matter what your age is, if you are carrying around your past in a way that makes you unhappy then it is time to let it go, unburden yourself and be free to live for the moment and for your greater good.

If you think about it, your past can be like a large trunk that you are hauling around on your back. Depending on your life experiences it can be a pretty large trunk.

Can you see yourself under the weight of this, how bent over you are and how if you let go of it you could straighten up and feel light and free and able to move about without any limitation. Just imagine for a moment setting that trunk down and walking away from it. That should bring a spring to your step.

There are so many could haves, should haves along our life experience. There are so many issues that are not happy ones that we can hang on to if we choose to, but what is the point.

There is no going back and undoing or redoing so why not just allow them to be gone and concentrate on what you would like to accomplish from this point on with your life and your emotions.

How about we embrace our now, our present and live life to the fullest. Enjoy all that is good and right and let go of what is over and done with.

We have choice, that is one great thing about us. We can choose to let go and live, or we can choose to embrace what was and be miserable.

The choice is up to you, if you would like to feel better, see things brighter and know that you are on the way to being the best you can be then let go of all that was and hold close all that is right now.

Many Blessing to All!


Sunday, June 23, 2013

What If?


What if we just appreciated all that we have and what surrounds us, what if our focus is solely on being happy and joyful for the whole day.

What if when we woke up we decided that we would feel happy and healthy, we would turn our thoughts to something that brings a feeling of goodness and joy, then take that and build on it all day long.

We could look out and appreciate nature, we could look around and appreciate all that we have, we could appreciate our family, our friends any relationship that brings a feeling of happiness to us.

What if you did not turn on the news, read a newspaper, or bring any outside influence into your morning routine?

What if you turned on some music, read a book, meditated, played with your children or your pets, use whatever there is in your home that relaxes you and makes you have a good feeling about yourself and all that is around you.

Our lives are about what makes us happy, we all want that because that is the way we are made. We search for it constantly, so what if we chose to make our thoughts only on what is right in our lives, what if you choose to look for happiness all around you, what if you make the effort not to complain about anything but to see what is right and good in your life.

What if you made the habit to look for only what is right everywhere you are? Instead of finding fault or being impatient, what about taking the time to see what is beautiful around you, what pleases you, then make the effort and enjoy wherever you are and see the good in every one you have contact with.

What if we each practiced this every day to the best of our ability? What kind of world do you suppose we could create?

By shifting your focus to the positive all around you, life becomes a more cheerful, happier experience.  

Here is a visual that you can do to start your day in a happy frame of mind.

Take a few deep breaths…..then close your eyes and bring up a thought, a memory that makes you happy. This can be anything you choose to think of, and then take the good feelings you have with this thought and concentrate on them until your whole body can feel the power it has by doing this.

When you open your eyes, you are feeling very good, happy and in charge of your own well being from the very beginning of the day. Throughout the day you can bring that feeling up if you want to or bring another one up just by using this visualization.

 When we choose positive feelings about our lives and ourselves we are on the way to feeling as good as we possibly can.

My challenge to you this week is to start your day out with the intent to be as happy and as positive as you can manage.

Many Blessings to All!




Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!


I wish all of you Dad's out there a wonderful Father's Day.

My dad passed away in 1990, he had four children and each one of us adored him. He was very much a family man; he cared for all of us the very best he could.

One of the things that he taught by example and with words was not to care what anybody else thought about you. He always said not everybody was going like you, and that was okay. You did not have to fit in or do everything everyone else did; the most important thing was that you were true to yourself.

He lived his life the way he thought was best for himself and his family, and never tried to be something he wasn't or please other people just to fit in. He loved his own company, he was quite the loner much of the time, enjoyed being with his children, and loved to have fun.

He had quite a few friends that he enjoyed being with when he chose to, had a good time having coffee with them and telling lots of tall tales which resulted in quite a bit of laughter,  most of all he just enjoyed life, doing what he chose to do for a living, and having the attitude don't sweat the small stuff.

It is important to please yourself before you please anybody else. If you are very busy worrying about what other people think you are going to be worried a lot. When you realize you stall your own happiness by trying to please others you can take a look at how you could change that to please yourself first. When you adapt the attitude that what you want is important, is valid, and is what makes you feel good, then you are on the path of becoming your own person.

Happiness is the state of mind, so how about everyone takes this week to not worry or care what everybody else thinks, just feel the freedom that this mind set brings you. Who knows, it could become a habit!

“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.” 
 William W. Purkey


Many Blessings to All!
