Sunday, December 15, 2013

You are Divine!

This is the season of divinity isn't it? But the fact is it doesn't matter which higher power you believe in as long as you believe in yours.

We have such a divine spirit and we are constantly striving to find the best in life, the most fulfilling and prosperous way to live.

What if you tuned into your belief system, whatever it is, to its fullest and turned over what you are seeking to it. By this I mean giving over your thoughts and feelings about what you want in your life and trusting that what you believe in really works for you so that you have a knowing attitude that all things will work out for you in the way that you want them to.

This would mean of course to let go of all control and worry and fear and just allow yourself to be in tune with your higher power.

If you took a minute and just sat and let yourself become relaxed you would start to feel that very divinity within you become stronger and stronger.

You would feel this power and you would know that you are in fact a part of a wonderful source and you will feel so taken care of, so loved and so strong.

There are many of us that do believe in a higher power. Please know whatever you believe is just right for you, but you must practice this belief and trust that your higher power is there for you and will bring you the requests as long as you turn over all the control, worry and fear and allow the working part of the divine to do the job.

What is the point of having a belief this powerful if you do not practice it? What is it all about if you don’t trust that what you believe can work for you?

You must put your faith in what you believe and let the powers that be take care of you.

I am not speaking of one particular belief system here for there are so many in this world. But I am saying that whatever you believe practice the goodness and the power of it because being divine is a gift and if you use it on a daily basis you find that life is full of joy and goodness and you also find that things start to move in the directions you want them to go. You will find that answers are given and an ease of life becomes the norm.

If you want, sit down and really think about your belief system. What is it you truly believe and then start to practice it knowing that whatever you believe in becomes the strongest point of your attention to life and how it is going for you?

Trust that you are surrounded by the love and guidance of that belief system and that you are truly going to know a big difference because you are depending on a much higher power to bring things into your life that will make it the way you want it to be.

If you don’t have a particular belief system and you are interested in what is going on in the spiritual world do some research. You might be amazed at what turn spirituality has taken and how many different ways there are to get in tune with the Divine.

Believe, believe, believe and trust that you are on the right path from this moment on.

Many blessings to all and have a wonderful holiday season filled with love and laughter!

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