Monday, November 18, 2013

Un-cluttering your mind

This is the time of year that we think about organizing things as the holidays approach. As we go through our holiday things getting ready to gear up to decorate and be cheerful we also look around and think about how much we need to go through and get rid of.

Some of have stored so much over the years that we feel overwhelmed at the task of going through and freeing up space. Each of us knows the feeling of having too much stuff and what needs to be done to organize and get rid of what we don’t need or use anymore.

What if we did this with our thoughts?

What if we sifted through the unhappiness we have stored away inside of our hearts and minds and decided to get rid of things that are dragging us down?

We each have stacks of thoughts, just like we have stacks of things in our garage. What if we just took those stacks and looked at them and decided we don’t need them anymore because we want to feel the best we have ever felt about life and ourselves.

One of the stacks that we have stored memories is that of our childhood. What if we just decided to let go of what was at that time of our lives.

What if we told ourselves that we want to live in this moment, the present, from this point on we want to make the conscious choice to not go back and visit any unhappiness or negativity that might be in our thoughts anymore.

This is a choice that will clear so many bad and unhappy feelings from your heart and mind if you choose to do it.

If you choose to let go of what you felt was unhappy and if you should choose to start looking at life through the wise eyes of adults you then free yourself from that feeling of being overwhelmed by stacks and stacks of thoughts that are of no benefit to you and only bring on feelings that do you no good physically or mentally.

If you realize that this part of your life did not make up but a small part of your journey, that it was a blip on the screen of your life you can then go forward with the knowledge that you are in charge of the way that you think and feel and that from this moment on you have cleared your mind of anything in that part of your life that was unhappy and negative.

Take a look at what you have accomplished along the way but most importantly love who you are. Give yourself the appreciation and the acknowledgement of a job well done. Look at all that you are and say “Wow! What a ride and I am still going strong.”

Another stack in your mind would be holding grudges about what people have done to you over your lifetime. This is a stack that can grow beyond bounds because the more you think about it the more you remember slights of every kind, of every size, and of every subject.

What if you cleared that stack from your mind as well? What if you decided that you have stored these angry feelings long enough and it is time to let go and allow yourself the freedom of that space in your heart and mind to feel good and to be happy.

What is the purpose of holding on to these feelings anyway? We cannot undo the deed so what if we just  let it go, quit talking about it or thinking about it and instead just bring thoughts up that feel good and talk about what is right in our lives.

Take the space you have cleared and use it for yourself, enjoying all things around you and those who add to your life the joy that you have when they come to mind.

Another stack is that of what people haven’t done for you. What is that about anyway? Why do we want to carry around this bitter feeling when everyday is a blessing and the fact that something did not happen, which is in the past anyway, keep us from being as contented as we can be.

What if you choose to start seeing what has been done for you over your lifetime? What if you started seeing life as a gift and how many people have given you love and understanding and many other things in many different ways?

What if by getting rid of these stacks in your mind (just like clearing out your garage at home) you clear so much space that you start living for the moment you are in. You start to see the beauty and joy around you, you start feeling better physically, and you start having more energy.

Just by letting go and ridding yourself of negative thoughts that have been hanging around, dragging you down, and messing with your well being, you see a flow of goodness in your thoughts and feelings.

Of course this is about forgiving some, about changing attitudes and looking differently at certain situations. The question would be why not? What have you got to lose but some negativity and hardheartedness?  Why be angry and hateful when you can be joyful and peaceful.

Why not change your life for the greater good of who you really are, a special soul, and clear your mind so that every moment of every day is just the best that it could possibly be.

By doing this good things are just bound to flow.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and many many blessings!

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