Thursday, February 6, 2014

It Is All About Love

Love: a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person


February is the month that brings celebrating love and what we feel for each other in a holiday.

Valentines are a form of communicating what we feel for those that we are close to. There are many variations of Valentines from the funny to the very sentimental.

 If you were to pick out a Valentine for yourself what would it say to you?

It should be a very special one because acknowledging love for yourself is important.

We have no problem picking them out for those we have deep feelings for, those that are special to us, so we should not have any trouble picking out what we would want to express to ourselves because we should be the most special person we know.

Love is an easy thing to give to others, but it is most important that we give it to ourselves.

So if you were to pick out a Valentine for yourself I would hope that it would be the most loving, the kindest and most supportive one that would be in the card section.

It should say:

  • You are such a caring person.

  • You are very special and unique.

  • You brighten everyone’s day.

  • You are valued for all that you do.

  • You are loved by many.

  • You contribute so much to all that know you because of your brilliant and beautiful spirit.

If you were to think of all the things that are positive and joyful about yourself and focus on those traits, you would find that loving yourself becomes easier and easier.

If you don’t take special care of yourself how can you expect it from others? If you don’t recognize the good things about who you are and acknowledge them to yourself, you are not feeling as good as you could.

Make it a point to look for your good points, as you do you, will feel better and better.

Instead of looking for happiness from others we should make ourselves as happy as we can. When your happiness comes from within, there is a powerful energy around you, and those that are important to you will be enveloped in it.

Be comfortable with who you are, be in tune with your bright and beautiful spirit. You have a kindness about you that you can enhance by just acknowledging it. You are a caring person, one who feels compassion for others, so just let these feelings be a central part of the terrific person that is you.

When you feel good about yourself the whole world will feel improved and illuminated. You will feel it and this feeling will become a basis for you to know that you are certainly on the right track of feeling good about yourself, loving who you are, and this feeling will grow for you so that feeling good is an every day occurance.

When you focus on your life moment by moment, let go of the past, and just allow yourself to feel good about who you are and where you are, you find everything just eases up, you feel centered, and with this comes a true appreciation of who you really are and how special your life is.

Let go of all of the negative things you might have held onto about yourself and know that you are important, cared about, and a central part of the Universe.

Love yourself and your life, and you will find that it becomes as happy as you allow it to be. Start today, no matter what your circumstances are so that as you change the direction of your feelings, your life can change directions too.

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

Many Blessing to All



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