Thursday, February 9, 2023

 Thoughts: How do they work for you?

There are two ways to think about anything and that would be negatively or positively. 

Isn't if funny how we have the choice and most of the time we find ourselves unhappy as we look at the dark side if you will of what is going on in our lives and the world. 

Take the time to notice that when you are thinking of things in a way that doesn't feel good one thought after another becomes darker and darker. In other words everything becomes worse and worse and the only reason that really happens is because we see the negative to begin with and it spirals out of control. This is so detrimental to our wonderful mind and body.

We allow unhappy thoughts to take over when in fact if we saw the brighter side of things one thought after another would be show us how things are really pretty good.

How could a person make this a habit do you think?

How would life feel if in fact we decided to start our thoughts each day in the direction of happiness?

Here is an exercise that might help in the direction of thinking and feeling positive:

  • The first thing each morning be thankful you woke up.
  • Focus on everything that feels good in your body. 
  • Take some deep breaths and clear your mind.
  • Sit down for a few minutes and write about everything that is positive about yourself and your life.
Make your thoughts the best thoughts and you will find that when you do you feel it deep down in that beautiful spirit of yours. Know that by finding the best thoughts you are contributing to your well-being that is so beneficial to you life becomes joyful and peaceful.

Your thoughts are your power, use them for your greater good.

Many Blessing to All

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