Tuesday, October 1, 2013


“What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.” 

I am back from vacation and having spent time with old friends I would like to share some thoughts about friendships and how important they are to all of us.

I spent time with friends that I have known most of my life. These childhood friendships are just the most amazing because even though we lost touch over the years as we aged we reconnected and have found that these are some of the sweetest and most fulfilling relationships that we have.

It is so much fun to catch up with each other face to face and find out what we each have been up to. It is wonderful to hear about families and travels and general areas of interest that we are all a part of.

Most of all it is so great to sit with those that knew you when and still care about all that goes on in your life and what you have been up to and especially your general well being.

It is also terrific to have the technology now to stay in touch so easily that we are just one click away from a great conversation.

If you think about it …… friends are the family we get to choose. They are the people we want to laugh with and cry with and share with. Friends are really a soul connection and you will find that the older you get the more precious they are.

Whatever your age might be seek out and cultivate friendships. Some will grow with time and some may not but the time that you do enjoy them just adds to the essence of life. You will always gain something great through friendship.

We all have family members that are special to us and some are as close as our friends are but friendships have such a different way of being, as friends are those who did not grow up in our households but came into our lives because of a connection that was felt by both parties.

I stayed with one of my oldest and dearest friends when I was visiting and did we ever have a blast. We of course reassured each other that we still look good after all these years but most importantly we just talked and shared and became even closer than we were before. We were then joined by another friend who stayed with us for an evening and it just added more to what we three had growing up.

Isn't it really a miracle to have people who are so dear to you that they make your life shine just by being a part of it?

I also spent time with a dear friend who suffered a tragedy while I was on vacation. I was able to be with her at a time when she needed a very close friend and that too is such a wonder as it was so important to be able to be of comfort and support at a time when someone dear to you needed just that.

I would encourage everyone to strengthen the friendships that they have…..especially the ones that mean the most to you. If you have a friend you haven’t heard from in a while get in touch…..keep your bond strong for these are some very important people and they are a part of who you are …….part of the joy you have known in your life and part of the strength that they probably shared with you at a time you needed it.

Be sure to stay in contact and don’t let too much time go by. We never know what life has in store so make the time for these special people.

Keep your friendships going strong for there is love, laughter, joy, and happiness associated with them and they need to be nurtured and cared for as friends are gifts that cannot be substituted for anything else.

Many Blessings to All!


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