Sunday, July 13, 2014

Happiness Is Just A Thought Away

Happiness is always the goal of each of us everyday. We are always reaching for the happiest moments we can find or are we?

If we are to find these happy moments we must try to look for them everywhere. Even the smallest happy moment is a good one.

I would ask you if you start your morning watching the news or reading the newspaper?

Do you find if this is the case that you are taking on the troubles of the whole news oriented program or newspaper. Do you then start thinking in terms of what you have been focusing on during this program or paper and become agitated or unhappy or troubled?

What if you did not invite this programming in? What if you decided to start the day by looking around you and appreciating where you are, what you have, and who you are? What if you chose to think of all the good things that are happening in your life and be very thankful for them?

What if you started your day in the most calm and relaxed state you can have, letting the good feelings of just being flow?

If we choose to we can find all that is good in our lives and project that energy all around us. We then start looking at life in a different way and understand that our own physical space is our responsibility and we can make this space as happy as we can by appreciating what we have and what we can do by thinking in this  manner.

For instance just appreciating the sky and the nature that surround you even if it is a single tree that you see. Be thankful for your residence, your bed, your yard, your pet, your family.

If you would, take the time to find things that inspire you, that uplift you. This happens too you know, if fact more often I am sure than all of the mayhem broadcasted constantly. It is your choice what you focus on.

Just think if you were sharing the stories of good things happening in our world instead of what is wrong with it. This would lighten your spirit constantly.

When you are looking for things to be thankful for be thankful that you can feel happiness and the fact that you are changing your thoughts to seeing what is good in your life.

We all can look for the unhappy things and go on and on about them but there as many happy things in our lives if we just point them out and keep our focus on them.

It is of course a choice for us, we can choose to keep bemoaning the state of the world and everything we think is wrong with the human race or we can choose to find what is right in our lives, what we can be thankful for and we can recognize the people in our lives that make up the human race that are wonderful to be with and enjoy.

This is up to you......just how you look at life .......your own specifically.

I challenge you to stop taking on the weight of the world and to start enjoying what your life is, where you are and what you are doing.

If in fact you want to change some of these things for a happier way of life good for you, but please make the effort to see in your own physical space the beauty and joy and happiness that is all around you.

Many Blessing to All

Friday, March 21, 2014


Focus: a main purpose or interest

We are using our focus constantly all during the day.

We focus on our daily routine, whatever that might be, but are we really aware of what that focus is and how it affects us.

When we wake up in the morning we immediately start focusing on the day ahead. Thoughts pop into our heads about what we need to do, where we need to be and how we things need to get done.

 It is so natural for us to do this we don't even think about how we are using our focus. 

What if we were to become aware of how we are focusing, what we are focusing on and how we can use focus to make every day better?

Whatever your lifestyle is we all wake up thinking about what is to be done for the day. Take a minute and think about how you start your focus.

Are you anticipating any hardships for the day before you even begin?
Are you projecting the outcome of circumstances in your day before you have even arrived at your destination?
Are you thinking of a co-worker that you know is going to ruin your day?
Are you thinking about traffic?
Are you thinking about not having enough time for everything?

What decided that you would focus the first thing in the morning on feeling good in every part of yourself.....mind....body and spirit.

What if decided that you would focus on all the good things about who you are, what you do, and the things in your life that make you feel good when you bring them to mind.

What decided to treat everyone like you would like to be treated.....even if they don't act that way back.

What decided that your focus would be that the day was going to go would be easy in every way.

What if decided for the day that there would be no anger.....impatience,  or criticism of yourself or others in your daily routine.

What if you decided to look at each person you deal with as a soul who is trying to make the best of their own you don't understand......and not judge them ......but feel compassion for them.

Those are just some suggestions on how you could use your focus if you chose to. I am sure once you start thinking you could come up with many that would suit your lifestyle and how you live.

If we could make the habit of seeing the bright spots of our day.....of laughing.....of enjoying life.....making it a ritual to just be in a frame of mind that feels good.....there would be more energy .....a healthier way to feel......and we would be using our thoughts for our greater good.

 Take a moment and peruse where your focus has been. Do you feel good or not so good when you find it?

I would challenge you to find the best focus for your own well-being and when you do use it to the best of your ability.

Focusing on what is good, what feels great, and what we want in our lives helps us to bring better health to ourselves.

It is all of our goals I am sure to feel the best we can using your focus to make sure that you are tuned in to using it the wisest way that you can will find that you are better spiritually.....mentally and physically.

Many Blessings to All of You

Thursday, February 6, 2014

It Is All About Love

Love: a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person


February is the month that brings celebrating love and what we feel for each other in a holiday.

Valentines are a form of communicating what we feel for those that we are close to. There are many variations of Valentines from the funny to the very sentimental.

 If you were to pick out a Valentine for yourself what would it say to you?

It should be a very special one because acknowledging love for yourself is important.

We have no problem picking them out for those we have deep feelings for, those that are special to us, so we should not have any trouble picking out what we would want to express to ourselves because we should be the most special person we know.

Love is an easy thing to give to others, but it is most important that we give it to ourselves.

So if you were to pick out a Valentine for yourself I would hope that it would be the most loving, the kindest and most supportive one that would be in the card section.

It should say:

  • You are such a caring person.

  • You are very special and unique.

  • You brighten everyone’s day.

  • You are valued for all that you do.

  • You are loved by many.

  • You contribute so much to all that know you because of your brilliant and beautiful spirit.

If you were to think of all the things that are positive and joyful about yourself and focus on those traits, you would find that loving yourself becomes easier and easier.

If you don’t take special care of yourself how can you expect it from others? If you don’t recognize the good things about who you are and acknowledge them to yourself, you are not feeling as good as you could.

Make it a point to look for your good points, as you do you, will feel better and better.

Instead of looking for happiness from others we should make ourselves as happy as we can. When your happiness comes from within, there is a powerful energy around you, and those that are important to you will be enveloped in it.

Be comfortable with who you are, be in tune with your bright and beautiful spirit. You have a kindness about you that you can enhance by just acknowledging it. You are a caring person, one who feels compassion for others, so just let these feelings be a central part of the terrific person that is you.

When you feel good about yourself the whole world will feel improved and illuminated. You will feel it and this feeling will become a basis for you to know that you are certainly on the right track of feeling good about yourself, loving who you are, and this feeling will grow for you so that feeling good is an every day occurance.

When you focus on your life moment by moment, let go of the past, and just allow yourself to feel good about who you are and where you are, you find everything just eases up, you feel centered, and with this comes a true appreciation of who you really are and how special your life is.

Let go of all of the negative things you might have held onto about yourself and know that you are important, cared about, and a central part of the Universe.

Love yourself and your life, and you will find that it becomes as happy as you allow it to be. Start today, no matter what your circumstances are so that as you change the direction of your feelings, your life can change directions too.

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

Many Blessing to All



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

Here we are starting a wonderful New Year and I am sure that everyone has a dozen or so resolutions that they intend to work on regarding self improvement.

What if the first resolution made is “I am going to be the happiest I can possibly be this year.”

What if each of us took the time to do things that made us happy, that felt good, that brought laughter and joy into our lives on a constant basis.

We could start out by recapping all of the happy and good things that happened to us in 2013. Before we let go of the past year, we could reflect on the moments that brought joy our hearts, made us smile, and gave us a general sense of well being.

When this recap takes place and we remember the times that were special and happy there is a feeling that comes over us that is so amazing because we feel so darn good just reminiscing about being happy.

Since our resolution is about being happy all of the time, all else about last year slides out of our thoughts and we concentrate solely on the happiness of last year.

This should be the feeling that we bring forward into the 2014 and build on so that it becomes a constant in our lives.
When you are bringing up memories of happy times from last year, they do not have to be monumental instances. Remember the little things that make you feel good, that brighten your day that bring joy to you.

This brings energy to us that is very uplifting and consequently healthy because we are happy beings by nature and we know how to feel happy so by feeling this wonderful energy we bring to ourselves the feeling of well being that is so healthy for us.

Now make your resolution to be happy, one which states this is how you want to feel all of 2014. Here are some ways to start your day so that your thoughts of happiness become a habit.
  • I will love myself for who I am because I am unique and special.
  • I will notice things every day that make me feel positive.
  • I will start my day with the thought that I am happy and I feel good.
  • I will laugh more.
  • I will enjoy life to the fullest.
  • I will expect good things in my life every day.
  • I will make the effort to surround myself with people who look at life with joy and love.

When we make the effort to tune into the things that feel good, that make us happy it changes the way that we feel mentally and physically.

The resolution to recognize the positive and happy things all around us and to feel good about ourselves and our life makes such a affirmative force around us and through us which then brings more and more well being into our lives.

What if you decided that 2014 was going to be the happiest year you have ever known?

What if each beautiful soul decided to be happy for one whole year, to see the good in everything and to make the effort to find a positive in all situations.

What if we depended only on ourselves for happiness, not another person, or place, or thing, just a feeling of joy that we continually hold on to.

Just for a moment imagine what our world would be like if each one of us took the responsibility for our own happiness, owned it and took care of it.

Would our planet be an incredible place or what?

May you all have the most amazingly happy and wonderful 2014!

Many blessings to all.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

You are Divine!

This is the season of divinity isn't it? But the fact is it doesn't matter which higher power you believe in as long as you believe in yours.

We have such a divine spirit and we are constantly striving to find the best in life, the most fulfilling and prosperous way to live.

What if you tuned into your belief system, whatever it is, to its fullest and turned over what you are seeking to it. By this I mean giving over your thoughts and feelings about what you want in your life and trusting that what you believe in really works for you so that you have a knowing attitude that all things will work out for you in the way that you want them to.

This would mean of course to let go of all control and worry and fear and just allow yourself to be in tune with your higher power.

If you took a minute and just sat and let yourself become relaxed you would start to feel that very divinity within you become stronger and stronger.

You would feel this power and you would know that you are in fact a part of a wonderful source and you will feel so taken care of, so loved and so strong.

There are many of us that do believe in a higher power. Please know whatever you believe is just right for you, but you must practice this belief and trust that your higher power is there for you and will bring you the requests as long as you turn over all the control, worry and fear and allow the working part of the divine to do the job.

What is the point of having a belief this powerful if you do not practice it? What is it all about if you don’t trust that what you believe can work for you?

You must put your faith in what you believe and let the powers that be take care of you.

I am not speaking of one particular belief system here for there are so many in this world. But I am saying that whatever you believe practice the goodness and the power of it because being divine is a gift and if you use it on a daily basis you find that life is full of joy and goodness and you also find that things start to move in the directions you want them to go. You will find that answers are given and an ease of life becomes the norm.

If you want, sit down and really think about your belief system. What is it you truly believe and then start to practice it knowing that whatever you believe in becomes the strongest point of your attention to life and how it is going for you?

Trust that you are surrounded by the love and guidance of that belief system and that you are truly going to know a big difference because you are depending on a much higher power to bring things into your life that will make it the way you want it to be.

If you don’t have a particular belief system and you are interested in what is going on in the spiritual world do some research. You might be amazed at what turn spirituality has taken and how many different ways there are to get in tune with the Divine.

Believe, believe, believe and trust that you are on the right path from this moment on.

Many blessings to all and have a wonderful holiday season filled with love and laughter!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Un-cluttering your mind

This is the time of year that we think about organizing things as the holidays approach. As we go through our holiday things getting ready to gear up to decorate and be cheerful we also look around and think about how much we need to go through and get rid of.

Some of have stored so much over the years that we feel overwhelmed at the task of going through and freeing up space. Each of us knows the feeling of having too much stuff and what needs to be done to organize and get rid of what we don’t need or use anymore.

What if we did this with our thoughts?

What if we sifted through the unhappiness we have stored away inside of our hearts and minds and decided to get rid of things that are dragging us down?

We each have stacks of thoughts, just like we have stacks of things in our garage. What if we just took those stacks and looked at them and decided we don’t need them anymore because we want to feel the best we have ever felt about life and ourselves.

One of the stacks that we have stored memories is that of our childhood. What if we just decided to let go of what was at that time of our lives.

What if we told ourselves that we want to live in this moment, the present, from this point on we want to make the conscious choice to not go back and visit any unhappiness or negativity that might be in our thoughts anymore.

This is a choice that will clear so many bad and unhappy feelings from your heart and mind if you choose to do it.

If you choose to let go of what you felt was unhappy and if you should choose to start looking at life through the wise eyes of adults you then free yourself from that feeling of being overwhelmed by stacks and stacks of thoughts that are of no benefit to you and only bring on feelings that do you no good physically or mentally.

If you realize that this part of your life did not make up but a small part of your journey, that it was a blip on the screen of your life you can then go forward with the knowledge that you are in charge of the way that you think and feel and that from this moment on you have cleared your mind of anything in that part of your life that was unhappy and negative.

Take a look at what you have accomplished along the way but most importantly love who you are. Give yourself the appreciation and the acknowledgement of a job well done. Look at all that you are and say “Wow! What a ride and I am still going strong.”

Another stack in your mind would be holding grudges about what people have done to you over your lifetime. This is a stack that can grow beyond bounds because the more you think about it the more you remember slights of every kind, of every size, and of every subject.

What if you cleared that stack from your mind as well? What if you decided that you have stored these angry feelings long enough and it is time to let go and allow yourself the freedom of that space in your heart and mind to feel good and to be happy.

What is the purpose of holding on to these feelings anyway? We cannot undo the deed so what if we just  let it go, quit talking about it or thinking about it and instead just bring thoughts up that feel good and talk about what is right in our lives.

Take the space you have cleared and use it for yourself, enjoying all things around you and those who add to your life the joy that you have when they come to mind.

Another stack is that of what people haven’t done for you. What is that about anyway? Why do we want to carry around this bitter feeling when everyday is a blessing and the fact that something did not happen, which is in the past anyway, keep us from being as contented as we can be.

What if you choose to start seeing what has been done for you over your lifetime? What if you started seeing life as a gift and how many people have given you love and understanding and many other things in many different ways?

What if by getting rid of these stacks in your mind (just like clearing out your garage at home) you clear so much space that you start living for the moment you are in. You start to see the beauty and joy around you, you start feeling better physically, and you start having more energy.

Just by letting go and ridding yourself of negative thoughts that have been hanging around, dragging you down, and messing with your well being, you see a flow of goodness in your thoughts and feelings.

Of course this is about forgiving some, about changing attitudes and looking differently at certain situations. The question would be why not? What have you got to lose but some negativity and hardheartedness?  Why be angry and hateful when you can be joyful and peaceful.

Why not change your life for the greater good of who you really are, a special soul, and clear your mind so that every moment of every day is just the best that it could possibly be.

By doing this good things are just bound to flow.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and many many blessings!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


“What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.” 

I am back from vacation and having spent time with old friends I would like to share some thoughts about friendships and how important they are to all of us.

I spent time with friends that I have known most of my life. These childhood friendships are just the most amazing because even though we lost touch over the years as we aged we reconnected and have found that these are some of the sweetest and most fulfilling relationships that we have.

It is so much fun to catch up with each other face to face and find out what we each have been up to. It is wonderful to hear about families and travels and general areas of interest that we are all a part of.

Most of all it is so great to sit with those that knew you when and still care about all that goes on in your life and what you have been up to and especially your general well being.

It is also terrific to have the technology now to stay in touch so easily that we are just one click away from a great conversation.

If you think about it …… friends are the family we get to choose. They are the people we want to laugh with and cry with and share with. Friends are really a soul connection and you will find that the older you get the more precious they are.

Whatever your age might be seek out and cultivate friendships. Some will grow with time and some may not but the time that you do enjoy them just adds to the essence of life. You will always gain something great through friendship.

We all have family members that are special to us and some are as close as our friends are but friendships have such a different way of being, as friends are those who did not grow up in our households but came into our lives because of a connection that was felt by both parties.

I stayed with one of my oldest and dearest friends when I was visiting and did we ever have a blast. We of course reassured each other that we still look good after all these years but most importantly we just talked and shared and became even closer than we were before. We were then joined by another friend who stayed with us for an evening and it just added more to what we three had growing up.

Isn't it really a miracle to have people who are so dear to you that they make your life shine just by being a part of it?

I also spent time with a dear friend who suffered a tragedy while I was on vacation. I was able to be with her at a time when she needed a very close friend and that too is such a wonder as it was so important to be able to be of comfort and support at a time when someone dear to you needed just that.

I would encourage everyone to strengthen the friendships that they have…..especially the ones that mean the most to you. If you have a friend you haven’t heard from in a while get in touch…..keep your bond strong for these are some very important people and they are a part of who you are …….part of the joy you have known in your life and part of the strength that they probably shared with you at a time you needed it.

Be sure to stay in contact and don’t let too much time go by. We never know what life has in store so make the time for these special people.

Keep your friendships going strong for there is love, laughter, joy, and happiness associated with them and they need to be nurtured and cared for as friends are gifts that cannot be substituted for anything else.

Many Blessings to All!


Monday, August 5, 2013


Love is an amazing feeling. It runs through all of us for many different reasons and to many different degrees.

It makes us feel on top of the world, so very good that we just love to love.

We love other people, children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, pets, and friends. We love music, food, vacations, and hobbies, in fact the list could go on and on.

What if we used this feeling as a gauge to make our lives better? What if we looked at all things through the eyes of love?

You may say it is not possible but I do not agree with that. If you are willing to hold on to the feeling that love brings you then when you look at all things and people around you at all times you will see the world in a whole new light.

Of course, this is a choice, a realization that we might have to change the way we are looking at life and the things that occur on a daily basis, but why not.

Wouldn't you feel better in your heart if you kept a wonderful feeling of love going and used it all day long?

I know that it would take practice as our habitual criticizing and complaining would have to stop, our finding fault with everyone and everything would have to shift to looking with love and compassion in our hearts and minds at every situation.

If you think about it for a moment, how do you feel when you are looking at things that are happening in your world or at the world in general in a negative way? I know I don't feel good if I am angry or unhappy.

I would much rather be in a happy loving state so that I feel the best I can feel physically, mentally and emotionally.

Try looking at the beauty around you, whether it is in nature or the people that you come in contact with. Look for things that are joyful such as laughter, music, great conversation, a child's smile, things that are uplifting.  They don't have to be big things, remember, a bunch of small things add up to something big if they make you feel good.

When you do this you start a routine of finding things that make you feel that love connection, when you feel good about things going on, then you know you are on the right track.

Feel love as much as you can, for yourself, for others, for everything in general.

Let's start a whole new trend of looking through the eyes of love and see how it changes things for us.


Visualization to Bring Up Love

Take several deep breaths, and when you find yourself relaxed as your breathing evens out and becomes very regular, think of a person, place or thing that brings up a feeling of love for you that is so strong that you can actually feel it move through your body.

Whatever or whoever you choose is just right for you. When you are feeling love very strongly just sit and enjoy it for a while, let thoughts of this love just come to you.

This is the feeling you want to use when you are shifting yourself towards feeling this way all of the time.

Just let this feeling flow all over you……… as it does you feel better and better… now know a great feeling of love and this will help you to bring it to yourself every day. Sit for a while and enjoy the feeling that you were born with, that is a part of you, and does help you feel very good.

When you are finished just go ahead and do what you need to do but know you have changed your feelings for the better, for your greater good.

If you would like to start your day doing this and you will find you will have a much brighter and happier way of life.

Many Blessings to All
